Menu Prices & Account FAQ
*Tax is INCLUDED in Adult Prices
FAQ's about Student Meal Accounts
How can I set up lunch accounts for my children?
All students automatically have an account with the LWA Kitchen. They can pay for lunch daily, or you can add money for them to use whenever they buy lunch or other menu items.
How do I add money to my children’s accounts?
You can send in any amount of money in cash or a check (made payable to “Living Word Academy Kitchen”)--on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays.
Can my children charge food if they don’t have enough money in their account?
Yes, within reason. We’ll never let a child go hungry, but negative balances must be paid up in a timely fashion.
What if I don’t want my children to buy dessert every day? Is there a way to limit what they can buy?
We understand that you are trying to encourage responsible food choices and staying within a budget. However, the lunch line is too busy for us to check individual instructions for every child, so please make sure your child knows your rules.
How will I be notified if my children owe money on their accounts?
At the end of each marking quarter, negative account balance statements will be sent home with report cards.
Who do I contact about accounts or balances?
You can call the school and leave a message for Tiffany Paddock, or you can email any time.